Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

G Gathering Are We Done Yet?

Are We Done Yet?

As virtual learning continues for us all, let's not forget the teachers who were thrown into this situation as well. As a society, we had to quickly adapt to create a sense of normalcy during this pandemic.
Many American parents who suddenly had to homeschool their children without an instruction manual, now think of teachers as superheroes. We can all agree that this was an interesting, challenging, and undesirable way to end the school year!

Mary Faith Williams, teacher at Hickory High School, celebrates the final submission of senior grades!

Vaughn Williams, a four-year-old student at Centerville Baptist Preschool, works on tracing his name.  

Carsyn Strawhand, seventh grade student at Hickory Middle School, works on her virtual assignments.

Mary Faith Williams, teacher at Hickory High School, working on submitting grades